Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 Weeks Notice

Most teachers will probably tell you that one of the positive aspects about teaching, besides the obvious answer - helping kids become lifelong learners - or something along those lines, will be the breaks. (Side note- I promise that not all posts will be about teaching or school related things!)  I don't mean the breaks that you get from tripping over a desk or small chair, I am talking about the breaks from going into your classroom every single day.  Winter break. Spring Break. SUMMER BREAK.  And if you are lucky and in a district that doesn't want their teachers to go insane by October, fall break.  Yes, we miss our students.  Yes, it is hard to get the students back into school mode after their sweet little vacay from academic life.  Yes, it does seem a bit unfair that we get these breaks and feel a little guilty when someone asks how my two weeks off is going.  It is understood that it is a definite perk of the job.

I will be the first to admit that I was practically high kicking my way out of the school on the Friday that Winter Break started.  I sent the kids off with some small gifts, books, and a"don't forget to read, practice flash cards, and see you next year!"  I packed up my things and 10 minutes later I was clinking glasses with some other teachers in celebration of a glorious two weeks - of not waking up at 4:00 a.m., spending all day making sure all my students needs were being met, and spending hours after work lesson planning, grading, and creating learning experiences.  I went to sleep that night completely relaxed for the first time since August, knowing that I had two full weeks ahead of me to just, well, just be.

So here I am, four days in, and I have to say (and I feel like I should probably whisper it), it is more fabulous than I could imagine.  The reason why?  Observation.  I feel extremely lucky to be able to feel like I have the time, a little aspect of life that is scarce for many people, to go out and finish getting ready for the holidays.  And what have I noticed while out and about in the hustle of the holiday season?  Kindness. 

When I am in work mode during the school year, if I go anywhere, I try to get in and out and home to finish up any work that I need to do for school.  A trip to the grocery store does not warrant any time to notice what the sweet conversation between the cashier and customer is like, or how strangers are helping each other, or the two older ladies talking about the different recipes they use to make chocolate toffee cookies (should have eavesdropped more and written them down!!).  But in my short trip to the grocery store today I did notice these things.  People were being kind to each other, and as I walked around crazily smiling to myself, I wondered what other little uplifting moments I had missed out on when I thought I didn't have time to notice them.

How thankful am I that I experienced this only four days into the break?  Very. Because it got me thinking that I need to plan on spending the rest of the break soaking in any kindness going on around me.  After the break?  I still plan on taking the time to notice.   And I can't wait to continue to get caught crazily smiling to myself.

1 comment:

  1. How I wish you and I could break at the same time - even once! This opposite schedule thing is no bueno. Glad you could smell the roses!
