Sunday, December 12, 2010

Riding the Blogging Train

Yesterday, I was cruising around the ghetto fabulous Metro Center with some amazing fifth and sixth grade ladies from my school.  (More on that later...oohhh, promise of another post!) As I watched them try to pick out some presents for some kids other than themselves, I thought "People need to know about this!!  These girls are doing something awesome and how am I going to tell all my friends and family! Their phones are going to be blowing up! If only there was a way to share this information. with everyone. at once..."  And so I admitted to myself what I have fought for a long time, that blogging is a good idea (yes, you were right Traci, Heather, Thomas, and...)

I tend to be a glass half full kind of gal. (And if there is something delicious in that glass, I want it filled to the brim...yes I am talking to you new passion fruit wine I had last night!)  I hope to focus on some of the fabulous and positive things that I see going on around me. Lucky for me, I seem to surround myself with people who are incredible, so there should be a lot to write about.

So today starts a new beginning for me.  And while that sounds waaaaay more profound than necessary, I am excited about it.


  1. I too am excited for it! So glad you have finally jumped on the train :) And what a perfect blog name for you Stef! XoXo

  2. Choo chop. All aboard the Stef express!
